Top questions from the past
Ask the allergist is a regular feature in our newsletters where Canadian allergists answer your questions! This month, we’re featuring some of the top questions asked from the past.
Check out the answers to these questions:
Is there ever a time to use antihistamines (like Benadryl®) for treating an allergic reaction caused by food?
Can you be allergic to just one type of tree nut, and if so, should you avoid all nuts?
If I have asthma, what does it mean for my food allergy?
You can read all of our previous Ask the allergist articles at
Do you have a food allergy-related question you’d like to ask an allergist? If so, send it along to us at Please note: The allergists featured in this series answer questions on general topics, please talk to your doctor if you have questions about your own health or the health of your child.
Tags: antihistamine, ask the allergist, asthma, tree nut allergy