- Talk to the host of an event about your allergies, preferably days or weeks before the event.
- If you are attending an event where you are unsure if the food will be safe, make yourself a meal beforehand.
- Keep in mind that alcohol affects your judgment.

Whether it’s a party, bar mitzvah, a night out at the club, or just chilling with friends, unanticipated risks for youth with food allergies can easily arise when having good times. Since it’s easy to get caught up in the party, it’s vital you prepare for potential risks ahead of time to ensure that your fun night doesn’t bring any unexpected surprises.
1. Tell ‘n kiss
Some say that a real gentleman doesn’t “kiss and tell”, but the opposite must apply for teens with food allergies. You absolutely must let people know about your allergies before you engage in a physical relationship. Learn about how others have handled similar situations, scroll down to the end of this page to read their stories.
2. Alcohol and allergies
Alcohol and allergies are a bad mix.
- Alcohol affects your judgment and decision-making skills, setting you up for potential dangers by underestimating risk.
- If under the influence, do not experiment with new foods and make sure you have your auto-injector with you.
- Be aware of potential cross-contamination issues, such as drinking out of a shared bottle or cup.
- You also need to be aware of all ingredients added to the beverage, this is especially true for mixed drinks. For example, milk (like cream in a pina colada), and egg (like raw egg whites in a pisco sour) may be added to the drinks.
- The drink itself may have allergens in it, like wheat in beer.
3. Drugs and allergies
Using illegal or recreational drugs can be very dangerous for anyone, but especially those with food allergies. Drug use can severely impair a person’s ability to make safe choices and decisions. In the brain, drugs may intensify, dull, or alter your sense of alertness, limiting your ability to recognize and treat an allergic reaction. Be aware that cross-contamination of allergens can occur when drugs are shared.
4. Carrying epinephrine
As the school day ends and Friday night begins, clothing and style may shift. Although it may be tempting to pack lightly for the night ahead, there is no excuse for not carrying an auto-injector, no matter the outfit, bag, or plans for the evening.
- Common allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs can be found in drug-filled products such as brownies, milkshakes, and other baked goods.
Dating can be challenging for anyone, and if you have a food allergy there are extra things to think about, like kissing.
Kissing can be an awkward topic to raise, particularly in a new relationship, but it’s important to talk about any food allergies early on, and before that first kiss. If you have a food allergy, it is possible to experience an allergic reaction from kissing.
A study on peanut allergen exposure through saliva , such as through kissing, found that it’s safest for the partner of the person with allergy to avoid the allergenic food. Advice to minimize risks includes waiting several hours after eating and eating a peanut-free meal before kissing someone with peanut allergy. These measures were more effective at helping to reduce peanut protein in the saliva than brushing teeth or chewing gum.
The First Kiss public service announcement, launched under our former name, highlights the thoughts that can run through the mind of someone with food allergy in that tender moment. This 30-second video involves teens but applies to all ages.
Handling different situations
Teens share their experiences and the lessons they learned. Read their stories below. Would you like to share your story, email us at info@foodallergycanada.ca.
Today’s special: allergy surprise

After dating a guy for two weeks, he asked me if he could cook me dinner on our next date. He told me that he was going to make me his specialty and that it would be the best thing I ever tasted! I didn’t mention my food allergies, because I was so excited that he asked me, and a bit of me didn’t want to risk altering his “specialty”. When I went over that night, lo and behold, his specialty might as well have been called “Allergy Surprise!” because it was loaded with things I’m allergic to. I was so embarrassed when I told him that I wouldn’t be able to eat it, and he got upset with me for not telling him earlier.
What can others learn from this?
Tell people up front about your food allergies. It was really unfair of me to let him cook a whole meal, knowing that I might not be able to eat it. That was our last date together. I learned a valuable lesson in that it’s hard for people to take you seriously if you don’t even take your allergies seriously.
Sorry to ruin the moment but…

I was at a friend’s birthday party where I was flirting with a girl that I’ve had a crush on for a while. We were really connecting and were about to kiss until I smelled that distinct familiar odour of peanut butter. I pulled away before our lips even touched and asked her straight up “were you eating peanut butter?” Needless to say, things got a tad awkward! She told me that she had a peanut butter cookie that someone brought to the party. I then explained my peanut allergy. I found out she was a keeper right then as she told me that would be the last time she would eat peanuts when I’m around!
What can others learn from this?
An awkward situation like this can (and should!) be avoided! If you are dating and have food allergies, it’s wise to bring up allergies with people you might be intimate with sooner rather than later. Some people bring it up by asking them “what are 3 really unique things about you?” Hopefully they will ask the same to you, and you can let them know about it then.
Peanuts not invited!

I was at a friend’s party and there were more than 35 people there. I ventured into another part of the house and saw a spilled bowl of peanuts. I was worried about the risk of cross-contamination with anything that I ate there prior. I immediately washed my hands and went to another room. I avoided that room for the rest of the night and made sure that I wasn’t drinking out of any one else’s cup.
What can others learn from this?
If you are going to a party, tell the host before about your food allergy. It might seem awkward, especially if you don’t know them well, but it’s worth it. You’ll have more fun if you’re comfortable. If your allergens are present at a party, make sure to practice proper hygiene and don’t take risks with sharing glasses or cups with others.
Hold the mix, please

With my coconut allergy, I have to be very careful not to have any drinks with coconut in them. I was at a club where someone bought a drink for me but I was not sure of what exactly was in it, so I said no thanks as I didn’t want to take a chance.
What can others learn from this?
Different bars or restaurants can have different spins on similar drinks so always be sure to ask what’s in your drink.