HomeMythbuster – Food allergy cannot be outgrown – fact or fiction?

Mythbuster – Food allergy cannot be outgrown – fact or fiction?

September 30, 2019

"Myth" stamp

MYTH: Food allergy cannot be outgrown.

FACT: Allergies to peanut, tree nuts, and crustaceans and molluscs tend to be lifelong. Some allergies, such as milk and egg, may be outgrown by school age. Food allergy can start at any age.

Bottom line: Food allergy is serious. It is important to be allergy-aware and learn how to prevent allergic reactions.

Learn more facts on food allergytips on preventing allergic reactions, and watch the “Spell it Out” PSA to learn key food allergy information.

Help us educate your communities and share this mythbuster with them! Find more mythbusters at foodallergycanada.ca/mythbusters.
