HomeNew update: EpiPen and EpiPen Jr auto-injector supply constraints

New update: EpiPen and EpiPen Jr auto-injector supply constraints

April 12, 2018

*Update as of February 21, 2019: For the most recent update regarding EpiPen and EpiPen Jr availability, click here.*

Pfizer Canada and Health Canada have released new updates regarding the EpiPen® and EpiPen® Jr supply constraints in Canada.


  • In January, Pfizer Canada advised of a supply shortage of 0.3 mg EpiPen auto-injectors. At that time, Health Canada also provided an update.
  • The 0.15 mg EpiPen Jr auto-injectors were placed on preventative allocation in February.
  • Last month, Pfizer Canada advised that the inventory for both auto-injectors was being shipped to replenish the stock in the Canadian market.

New update

Pfizer Canada has released a statement to advise they are experiencing supply constraints of EpiPen auto-injectors in the 0.3 mg EpiPen and 0.15 mg EpiPen Jr formats.

Health Canada has released an update to advise that both auto-injector formats are expected to be in a shortage as of April 13, 2018.

It is important to note that a shortage does not necessarily mean that there is no supply available in pharmacies. Currently, there is limited inventory of both products available and it is being carefully managed nationally.

What this means and how to manage

To help you understand what this means, and to help you manage during this period, please note the following:

  • There may be a limit placed on the number of EpiPen and EpiPen Jr auto-injectors you may be able to receive from the pharmacy. Pfizer Canada has advised that they are managing the supply carefully and working closely with distributors to support the provision of both products at the pharmacy level.
  • If your local pharmacy does not have any auto-injectors in stock, please check with other pharmacies in your area as limited inventory of both products is available.
  • If you have an expired EpiPen or EpiPen Jr auto-injector or one that is about to expire, check with your local pharmacy(s) to have it replaced. As a reminder, please note that the expiry date applies to the last day of the month noted on the device.
  • If a new or in-date auto-injector is not available, a recently expired device may be used to treat an anaphylactic reaction in an emergency situation during this shortage period.
  • As always, continue to follow and review our safety tips for managing food allergies.

For further information or questions, please contact Pfizer Canada directly at 1- 877-EPIPEN1 (1-877-374-7361).

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